"What If" was my first term final project. I wanted to throw the audience into a tense situation in which they had no clue of what was going on and see if i could grab they're attention and keep them there till the end.
"Cold Hearted" was my second term final project. I had to include: Two awkward acquaintances, 3 seconds of narrative silence, a dog barking, tri tone text sound, old school bicycle bell, the line "you just don't get it do you?" and an "on the air" element of some kind (making a phone call). The title of the movie had to include a type of weather.
"Baby, We'll Be Fine" was made for a 24 hour challenge. We were given a random object (the candle) and had 24 hours to come up with short and finished film.
Zachary Alexander: Actor
Chantelle Dawn: Actor
Carson Hughes: Director of photography, Producer,
Houston K. Hughes: Color Grading and additional editing.
This is a promotional video I helped work on for an editorial project in my class.
Zachary Alexander: Videographer/Editor
Jerram Harte: Videographer/Editor