
So today was a pretty good last day in the cage for this rotation. We had a lot of orders to build which was fun, so many though that we actually ran out of some of our equipment. I had a quick meeting with John Binkley today. I just realized this is something I have yet to talk about on my blog. I am helping a producer named John Binkley with a pilot episode on April 16th. Perry and Ben told me about the pilot last month and gave me his information to try and get on board and I did! Its called "No Adults Allowed" and its a children's improve show. Its a show that he helped worked on for the BBC and he is trying to bring it to the states. I will be a PA as well as Slating the show and standing in for the actors and running them as well from the green room to the stage. It's unpaid since they don't have much of a budget, hence why they wanted to use interns, but if it gets picked up there is a good chance I could work on the show! Either way this is an experience I am so excited to have and be a part of. I had a meeting with John last Wednesday and our part got done early (we both arrived first) but he invited me to stay for the rest of the meeting and of course I said yes. It was so fun to just be in the room with everyone talking about lighting and how they want it to be shot and what not. So today he talked to me and Jayme (another intern) about some extra stuff he wanted done. The rest of the day was pretty mellow and I finally go around to asking Nathan about the Panasonic DVX 200. I regret to inform you the Nathan and others are less than thrilled with it. It puts out a great image, but they hate the menu screen, its a touch screen and doesn't work very well and some others really just hate the layout of the camera in general. Overall they find it very "meh". 
